Monday, May 23, 2011

Next Yoga Workshop - July 23, 2011 from 11am to 1pm

I thoroughly enjoyed the 7 week Yoga Aromatherapy workshop with the students who participated.
The students shared how much they enjoyed learning about the 7 chakras, aromatherapy as well as the pointers I gave them on posture alignment. I have scheduled another workshop on July 23rd from 11am to 1pm at The Longhouse. Please visit the website at for information on yoga classes and wellness services.
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I will be posting on this blog again as soon.
You can also click on the "like" button on my Facebook page to receive updates right on your own Facebook profile page.

I offer one on one private yoga sessions by appointment.
Please email me to request a day and time at

Until we meet again...
Heather Hixon

Friday, May 13, 2011

2 Weeks Left in the 7 Week Series - YogAromatherapy

We only have 2 weeks left in the 7 week series for YogAromatherapy.
This week (Sat. May 14, 2011) we will be balancing the 6th Chakra (Third Eye) which is about intuition.
My aromatherapy blend for this chakra is warm and woodsy with a hint of sweet. It often reminds me of Autumn. We will be doing a little extra meditation during this practice as we open up this intuitive energy within ourselves. I have always experience a heightened sense of clarity after the 6th chakra practice. I suppose we could all use a little extra clarity these days as our world seems a little unclear at times.

The following week we will be completing the series with the 7th chakra (Crown) which is all about spirituality and connection to a Higher Power (which is everyone's right to believe their own beliefs) I have no intention of putting my beliefs onto others at any time. This aromatherapy blend is very meditative and light in scent. As with all of the classes we will practice yoga postures to open up and balance the energy of the 7th chakra.

Feel free to attend either of these classes, even if you missed the other classes in the series. There is always a benefit to opening up and balancing any of the chakras through Yoga and Aromatherapy. I tend to think that we show up for what we need the most. Over the years I can't tell you how many times my students showed up to a Yoga Aromatherapy class on a day they needed balancing in that area of their life on that specific day. Funny how the universe guides us in that way.

Many blessings to you and your loved ones.
I look forward to working with you real soon.

* My future yoga workshops will be announced on this blog or on my Facebook so stay connected!
* Feel free to email me with your thoughts, observations or questions at any time.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Yoga to Balance the 5th Chakra - Throat - Communication

Happy Mother's Day weekend! 

This week we will be doing yoga to balance the 5th chakra which is located at the throat and deals with issues of communication. I personally have experienced a balance in my communication with others over the years in teaching this class. We use my special aromatherapy to enhance our practice. Some of my students are sensitive to certain scents. No worries! I give you a little cotton disk with just a drop of the aromatherapy essential oil on it, so if it bothers you, just put it aside and enjoy the class.
This class is approximately 90 minutes long. During our practice, we start with a nice warm up, move into the postures relating to the chakra we are working on and end with a nice 10 minute relaxation.
Working on the 5th chakra, we will be doing a lot of neck stretching which is great for those of you who hold a lot of tension there. I hope you will join us!
Cost: $12 per student
Both med and women are welcome
Mature children are also welcome with parents

Here is my Facebook Page too!